Office Cleaning
Aspen Cleaning Services has provided an ever-growing list of janitorial services related to executive office cleaning, restaurants, movie theaters, auto dealerships, government offices/facilities, industrial facilities, concert halls, banks and financial institutions, medical and educational facilities. In working with a variety of environments, we have become accustomed to meeting demanding schedules and maintaining the highest of standards for both public and private facilities.
Our Certified Building Service Executive will help you determine the level of cleaning and appearance that must be maintained in your building. We will assist in determining specifications on the cleaning tasks needed in every area of your building and the frequency of each task: daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
Our Service Agreement will identify the period the contract is in effect, the contract price, tasks to be performed, cancellation clause, and invoicing & payment procedures. You will know right up front everything we are scheduled to do and how much it will cost.
We follow procedures as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and are aware of environmental regulations in Virginia and our local municipalities. We have a great safety record and extensive references.